It’s official: MAYA is her name!

July 8, 2024
It’s official: MAYA is her name!

More than 200 colleagues from FLC and Femern A/S came together in our construction harbour to baptize our formerly known Multi-purpose Pontoon (MPP) into Maya.

When the 89 concrete elements of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link are lowered to the seabed, they will rest on a perfectly uniform layer of gravel, thanks to Maya’s ability to neatly arrange these layers with centimetre precision at great depths underwater.

One of Maya’s standout features is the Submerged Dumping Tool (SDT), which works like a 3D printer to place gravel accurately within the tunnel trench.

Thank you, Vibeke Grave, for accepting the role of godmother and celebrating this significant milestone in our project with us.

Don’t miss the recap of our naming ceremony below!