Femern Link Contractors for Femern A/S has been recognized as one of the top apprentice programs in the region thanks to FLC office apprentice Natascha Chantall Appel and ZBC – Zealand Business College.
In her nomination letter, Natascha praised FLC, her team at “Project Control” and the apprentice coordinators for their empathy, educational focus, flexibility, and their willingness to continuously better the apprentice program.
She also told the award committee that she was proud to be part of a big, historical project and enjoys being part of a multicultural, international, social workplace.
On Wednesday 4 October, Natascha’s apprentice coordinators Catja B. and Jane Petersen went on stage and received the honor of third place in the category “Best Apprentice Workplace in the Zealand Region”.
94 companies were nominated, so it was with great pride the small delegation brought back the statuette and the sign to the FLC office in Rødbyhavn.