FLC proudly celebrates female talent

March 8, 2024
FLC proudly celebrates female talent

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a global celebration with local significance for FLC for Femern A/S, as we are committed to giving visibility to women on the Fehmarnbelt project.

Inspire Inclusion is this year’s theme for International Women’s Day, and in line with this important mantra, FLC is proud to announce a substantial 28 percent increase in the number of female employees compared to last year.

FLC today employs 214 women within a broad variety of job positions such as Design Engineer, Crane Operator, Concrete Mix Development Manager, Reinforcement Engineer, Early Age Expert, Quality & Environment Engineer, Laboratory Technician, Rebar Engineer, and Marine Outfitting Engineer to name just a few professions.

Our talented and skilled female specialists come from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds with roots in 29 different countries on continents including Europe, Africa, Asia, and North- and South America.

Our female workforce will not only leave a significant impact on the Fehmarnbelt project, but they also serve as role models for current and future generations of women considering careers in the construction industry.

Happy International Women’s Day!