It’s official: MAYA is her name!

It’s official: MAYA is her name!

More than 200 colleagues from FLC and Femern A/S came together in our construction harbour to baptize our formerly known Multi-purpose Pontoon (MPP) into Maya.When the 89 concrete elements of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link are lowered to the seabed, they will rest on a...
Happy birthday, FLC Village!

Happy birthday, FLC Village!

On Saturday 15 June, all residents in the FLC for Femern A/S Village, were cordially invited to a 3-year-old birthday party. This very special “toddler” has grown very fast though: Since the first residents moved into the FLC Village three years ago, it has grown to...
Three locals graduated with FLC apprenticeships

Three locals graduated with FLC apprenticeships

The number of FLC apprentices finishing their education from the Femern Project is growing. This month the 17, 18 and 19 apprentice from FLC graduated – all of them specialized in administration. They are now ready to take on the world as office employees. Ilda...
A crushing milestone reached in tunnel labs

A crushing milestone reached in tunnel labs

It goes without saying that the tunnel under the Fehmarn Belt should be able to stand the test of time. It is in fact set to last for at least 120 years. Therefore, the concrete used for casting the tunnel segments are tested repeatedly at laboratories making sure it...